Student Solution


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– Nelson Mandela

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Unit 4 Discussion 1_Visual Design In Communication

Unit 4 Discussion 1_Visual Design In Communication

Q Layout Design Project Critique Before you participate in this discussion, complete the Layout Design project in this unit. Post your Layout Design Project in the discussion area for feedback from your fellow learners. With each design: • Include a short explanation (1–2 paragraphs) on how you believe each of your designs is appropriate to the assigned projects. • Elaborate on how your designs are representative of their respective styles. • Explain your reasons for choosing your fonts in each project. • Justify your selection of colors in terms of creating mood, psychological effect of color on your viewing audience, visual appeal, and enhancement of design. • Explain how you have implemented the principles of design in the arrangement of elements in your composition. • After you have posted your designs and descriptions, critique the designs of at least two fellow learners. The purpose of this critique is to provide constructive feedback and to enable learners to become more conversant in the analysis of visual images.

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Yet again a new challenge this week. Reading pages 180-209 was an enriching experience indeed. Bass’s contribution to Graphic Design and the consequent sections are very interesting. While making my own design I have not included influences of what I have read. Saul Bass’s works were varied and many. I am not interested to see the short movies which made on the topic of creative process.